I hate sprites bt this was pretty cool very nice and good music
very well done
I hate sprites bt this was pretty cool very nice and good music
very well done
im glad some people can still appreciate an animation even if they hate the medium . much appreciated
See I can tell that ure flash skills are good and all but what is the point of this small intro 'movie' with no plot or anything only a intro on people I think its crapp so zero from me
HAHA this soldier had some stickie fingers.. jesus man what a bunch of crap this was all intro and then..... to be continued..
sorry but this is not a good flash stop the sequals u are maybe making
I liked it very much the reason that u have such a low score is because all the morons here wont watch a movie longer then 2 seconds and the first 2 seconds of this flash movie were terrible but then after those 2 sec it was awsome, so I voted 4 but it wont help u enough next time try to make a good start cause u know most voters here are just stupid fucks that dont even watch the movie
NICE flah
ok.. Thank you for watching it all trough!! i'm gonna try making the start on my next flash more interesting! Thanks for the review!:)
flash was great and all but the story was sooo slow.
lol ssjvegit0
ssjvegit0 said in an prevoius review:
No, I am not rich. I make less than $15,000 a year, and I don't own a single gun. I am not a stupid hick, I guarantee I have a higher I.Q. than at least 90% of the people here. (187, incase you wanted to put yours up against mine.)
Whahahaha thats almost 40 more then Einstein, and I dont know whats wrong with you, 'cause what person havin an IQ of 187 is eirin less then 15000 a year. u probably are autistic ore something
or no I know U JUST LIE!! like ure great pall BUSH
just STFU man
further great song, flash wasnt great but that wasnt neccesary, I liked the song alot
I liked it till the I can explain part... then it stopped???
what the hell is this crapp man
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