nice game, it took me some time to figure out, but when I did it was great. the first pandemic was a bit to easy this one is fun.
for the ones who cant figure it out here some tips:
-first boost your infectivity to about 3-4
-next spread the virus in your infected continent
-when you see your number of infected people grow rapidly at every spended point, try to infect airports.
-when a new nation is infected immediatly spread the virus, or else you will lose it again.
- when you infected about 3 nations, try to boost you lethility/infect/resistance a bit (this is expensive, keep an eye on the cure progress)
-when your (modify)stats are around 3-4or5-3 you can focus on only infecting.
-infect all nations as soon as possible by airplanes and by the infect button.
-it is crucial to infect all nations fast.
- when a nation develops a cure to level 3(from 5) then you might want to spend some points on attacking the cure.
-when all nations are infected you can spend your points on lethality etc again.
you just killed the whole world.
This game is beatable.